Welcome to our Digital City Science blog
Welcome to the blog of Digital City Science at HafenCity University Hamburg. Join us on a journey through our international research projects, exciting field trips, and innovative ideas. Under the claim “Exploring Urban Systems”, we share our vision and approaches to shaping sustainable, smart cities. Discover our work, meet our dedicated team, and learn how you can become part of this fascinating research community as a future collaborator or team member.
Dive into our cutting-edge research on digital urban systems. Discover our latest projects and innovative tools shaping the future of cities.
Read inspiring stories from our team’s research journeys and experiences. Discover personal insights, challenges, and successes from the field as we explore urban systems worldwide.
Meet the dedicated experts driving our research forward. Get to know the passionate minds behind Digital City Science and learn about their roles in shaping the future of urban development.
Stay up to date with the latest updates and announcements from Digital City Science. From new partnerships to exciting breakthroughs, catch all the news shaping our work and the world of digital urban research.
Digital City Science
From Urban Data to Urban Qualities
Digital City Science at HCU Hamburg explores urban complexity with digital technologies. Our team develops scientific new approaches for the analysis and integrative planning of urban systems. For this purpose, the team comprises expertise in architectural design, urban and spatial planning, media technology, IT, and software development. Cooperating with many partners from academia, business, administration, and civil society, we develop data-based tools and methodologies that are broadly applied on national and international level. Our scientific activities span from fundamental research across applied projects to knowledge transfer by way of scientific teaching and technical capacity building.
Mission Statement
The scientific mission of Digital City Science converges in the idea of shaping spatial environments from and with data and information in order to enable more intelligent and knowledgeable communities.
Our Research Focus

Converging the Sustainable and Digital City
In projects like “Sustainable Development of Urban Regions (SURE)” or the COUP tool we explore how two megatrends in current urbanism – the digital transformation of cities and the demand for sustainable urban development.
Multi-layer Analysis of urban Systems
In projects like AGORA or tools like TOSCA we investigate how multiple functional and physical layers of urban systems can be analysed and cross-connected, e.g. social activities, trans-portation and accessibility, noise emission, or stormwater run-off. For this, key instrument of investigation are Agent-Based-Models.
Smart District and Smart Building Data
Investigating smart buildings and neighbourhood developments in Hamburgs and beyond, as well as in academic courses like „Data Café“ or “Designing Thinking Cities”, we develop methods how data from the „internet of buildings“ can be
used for intelligent and inclusive urban development.
Global Integrated Urban Development
In international cooperations with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), among others, we search for new approaches how the rapid evolution of urban agglomerations and informal settlements especially in the Global South can be supported by open source tools like the TOSCA toolkit.
Our Team
We are an international team with members from 15 different nations / cultures.
Find out more about us on our Team page.
Our Stories
You are looking for stories? Stories about active volcanos, metropolitan cities and urban sustainability?
Or you want to know how AI influences architecture?
Then you did well to land on our blog.Here we give insights and tell stories, we experience in our research all over the world.

HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 Hamburg
Digital City Science at Campus Tower
Versmannstraße 2
20457 Hamburg
E-Mail: dcs[at]hcu-hamburg.de