Research Projects

Cockpit for Collaborative Urban Planning

Web application and interactive tangible models for design analysis, simulation and collaborative urban planning.

Sustainable Development of Urban Regions

Facilitation and synthesis research for BMBF FONA funding priority, comprehending ten projects in South-East an East Asia.

Multimodal & Interconnected Hubs for Zero Emission

Horizon Europe project transforming cities into smart zero emissions nodes for mobility and logistics.

Toolkit for Open and Sustainable City Planning and Analysis

Open-source web GIS to support participatory urban development in countries of the Global South.



Analytics for Ground Property and Real Estate Assess-ment

Proptech solution for spatial analysis and strategic land use planning of Hamburg‘s ground property.

Innovative Air Mobility in Hamburg

Research cluster for comprehensive modeling and planning of application scenarios on airborne urban mobility in Hamburg.

Platform Data Fusion Generation for AI

Development of a data generator that synthesizes large data sets needed for training of AI algorithms to Smart Cities use cases.

Fostering The City of Proximity through Mobility-as-a-Service Integration

Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) project creating 15-min-City concepts for periurban areas.

Virtual Reality Applied to School Education

Inventing the “classroom of the future” with new applications and interactive media in the school education.

Approaches to Urban Resilience in Ukraine

Methodological approaches and conceptual tools for enhancing urban resilience in city planning and reconstruction.

Sustainable Urban Planning and Resilient Reconstruc-tion In Ukraine with Spatial Data Science

Providing a package of digital city planning tools and approaches.

Reshaping Urban Space and Governance

DFG Walter Benjamin Project on about emerging collectives practising digital urbanism at the grassroots level.

Smart Building Data Hub

Value creation for architectural and urban planning from building data and the Internet of Things on construction sites in HafenCity.

Boosting the uptake of circular integrated solutions in construction value chains

Linking Building Information Models (BIM) and City Information Models (CIM).

A future vision for Frankfurt City

Comprehensive on-site and online co-creation process of urban futures, involving local stakeholder groups and impactholders.

Realtime Flood Crisis Monitor for Hamburg

Creating a dynamic situation monitoring and decision support system for resuce forces in complex crisis situations.

Connected Urban Twin

Integrating environmental simulations in the framework of the Connected Urban Twin of the cities of Hamburg, Munich and Leipzig.

Improving health equity

Implementation of an innovative model for policy reform towards obesity prevention, including city analytics and urban design.

Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards

Gov-tech solution for the comprehensive management of migrant integration processes in European city administrations.

Contact us for more information

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Our research focusses mainly on four main topics:

Convergence of sustainable and digital city research

In projects like „Sustainable Development of Urban Regions“ or the Grasbrook City Scope we explore how two megatrends of current urban research – the digital transformation of cities and the demand for sustainable urban development – can be converged within a unified scientific framework.

Multi-layer Analysis of Urban Systems

In projects like Grasbrook City Scope (a cooperation with the MIT Media Lab) we investigate how multiple functional and physical layers of urban systems can be analysed and cross-connected, e.g. social activities, transportation and accessibility, noise emission, or stormwater runoff, or. The key instrument here is Agent-Based-Models.

Smart Quarter and Smart Building Data

In investigations on smart buildings and neighbourhoods in the context of the HafenCity and Kleiner Grasbrook urban development, as well as in teaching courses like „Data Café“, we explore how data from the „internet of buildings“ can be used for the purpose of intelligent urban development.

Integrated Urban Development worldwide

In international cooperations with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), among others, we search for new approaches how the rapid evolution of urban agglomerations and informal settlements especially in the Global South can be supported by open source tools like the „TOSCA Toolkit or Open and Sustainable City Planning and Analysis“.